Just as a heartbeat our community has a rhythm of comings and goings, activities, and events that nourishes us. We warmly invite you to join us, the details below are the typical times and days for these activities however there are sometimes exceptions. Check the calendar for details or contact the church office for more information.

Sunday Morning Worship

Our primary worship service each week takes place at 10:00 AM in the nave. This is a Rite II Eucharist (communion) service with the choir.


Sunday Formation

This group explores various topics and themes throughout the year. This class is led by Fr. Chris and meets in the CFC Classroom at 11:30 on Sundays.


CHildren’s Sunday School

Led by volunteers Penny and Kirsten who provide structured age appropriate Christian Education.


Weekday Eucharist

Week day Eucharistic Services vary based on the Wednesday Evening Formation Classes. Join us on Wednesday, April 9th for a special closing Eucharist for our Will You Lenten Study Series.


Weekday Bible Study

Small Group meets in the Christian Formation Center on Mondays at 10:45 AM (North End of Building) for study of the upcoming weeks readings appointed by the lectionary.


Candlelit Prayer in the Style of Taize

This quiet service of prayer and simple sung music takes place once a month usually the third or fourth Sunday at 5:00 PM The service is characterized by its meditative and contemplative nature, and its emphasis on reconciliation and unity. Details here.


Periodic Choral Services

The Choir of Saint Dunstan’s Church sings Choral Evensong periodically during the year. This service is a combination of two historic sacred liturgies, Vespers and Compline. Typically Celtic Evensong is scheduled near Saint Patricks Day with music and readings of Celtic influence. Advent Lessons & Carols, a service made famous by Kings College Cambridge, has been hosted by Saint Duntsans for more than 50 years during the Advent Season. Watch the Parish Calendar for these special services.