Street School Christmas Food
The Outreach Committee provided funds for 672 packages of ramen noodles for the students at Street School Tulsa. Many students rely on the meal served during the school day, sometimes that may be the only meal they have. This becomes particularly dire during the holiday break, in an effort to provide some food during the break, Street School provides bags of food they send home with each student. Earlier this year the Outreach Committee challenged the parish to “Mission Poptart” this provide food for the Thanksgiving break.
Oklahomans For Equality Thanksgiving Feast
Before Covid Oklahoman’s for Equality provided a Community Thanksgiving Feast for more than 250 people. Like many things Covid interrupted this tradition, but in 2024 they wanted to bring this back and we were honored to supply pie and volunteers to help with this community event feeding anyone in need of a warm meal and company.