Here at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, we are people from all walks of life--- but we all believe that God is LOVE.

Welcome to St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, a thriving parish in the Oklahoma Diocese. We’re a friendly church with people from all walks of life, bound together by a love for God and our neighbors and gratitude for all the gifts God has given us. We find great joy in creation and seek to encourage each other in commitment to Christ through worship, prayer, fellowship, and Holy Communion.

    We are an open and affirming parish that believes that each person is a beloved child of God, gifted and called to community and ministry. We strive to extend the love of Christ to all we meet.


Holy Week 2024

Holy Week is the most important sacred time within the Christian liturgical Calendar. The practice of observing Holy Week follows Christ's entrance to Jerusalem, The Last Supper, his crucifixion and death, and then his Resurrection of Easter morning. By following this ancient observance of Christ's time before his death, we are able to relive the amazing miracle of his Resurrection and the hope he has given all mankind. If you are looking for a way to deepen your understanding of Easter and take part in traditions that have been observed for more than two thousand years, we hope you will join us for any and all of our Holy Week services, with more information found below:


Maundy Thursday: March 28, 2024


Service: 7:00 PM 

Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the holiest three days in Holy Week, called in Latin the Triduum (‘three days’). These days are in actuality one liturgy, beginning with the Maundy Thursday Eucharist and, in non-Covid years, the foot washing. The Triduum continues on Good Friday with the solemn collects and communion from bread and wine consecrated on Thursday and culminates with the renewal of our baptismal vows and the first Eucharist of the resurrection at the Great Vigil of Easter. The liturgy of Maundy Thursday commemorates the humility of the Lord in his willingness to do the lowliest of tasks. The word Maundy is an English version of the Latin mandatum, from the ‘new commandment’ that Jesus gives his disciples to serve one another. The other focus of Maundy Thursday is the institution of Holy Communion, when Christ broke bread and shared the cup with his disciples, commanding them to continue the practice, in his memory. At the conclusion of our eucharistic feast on this solemn and somber night, the church is quietly stripped of all adornment by members of the altar guild and altar party, while the congregation remains kneeling, reciting the 22nd Psalm. We are invited, as were the first disciples, to watch and pray with the Lord on the night before his crucifixion and death. Consecrated bread and wine are removed to an "altar of repose" in Daniels Hall, and members of the parish keep watch through the night and the next morning. We leave the church in silence that night – for we know what the first disciples did not: that Jesus will soon be arrested, tried unjustly, and put to death.

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Good Friday: March 29th


This solemn and penitent service follows Christ's last hours as he is crucified and then buried. It is also a very powerful service of Hope as we know what is coming; that a miracle is about to happen, and that God will overcome death by torture for the sake of all people.


We will broadcast virtual service recalling the Seven Last Words of Christ. As we reflect on Christ’s sacrifice this Good Friday, the Seven Last Words give us powerful insight into His thoughts as took all the sins of mankind upon Himself. With these words, He forgives His enemies, forgives the penitent thief, cries out to God, and declares the end of His earthly life.

Great Vigil of Easter: Saturday, March 30th, 2024

Service: 7:00 PM

  Known as the most important night within the ancient Christian calendar, this is the night we wait by candle and firelight for Christ to conquer death and rise from his tomb. Old custom holds that Easter Vigil is when new Christians are baptized, and we keep this tradition as well.

   Our Easter Vigil is held first in the darkness of the parish hall where the large Paschal Candle is lit and we say prayers and give readings celebrating God's creation and the life of his Son, Jesus Christ. 

  Afterward we enter the nave (our sanctuary area) to beautiful light, gorgeous flowers, incense and a flood of joyous singing as "He Is Risen!" 

   This is an amazing service that people of all ages, even very small ones, are encouraged to attend. The Vigil takes us from the darkness of the tomb to the bright hope and joy of the risen Christ, and ALL are welcome to come and celebrate with us! For He is Risen, Indeed!

Easter Sunday: March 31st

Easter Sunday Schedule:

Festive High Mass: 10:00 AM

Easter Brunch in Daniels Hall: 11:00 AM

Easter Egg Hunt: 11:15 AM

Easter Sunday is a busy day at our parish as we celebrate Christ's resurrection with song, sacraments and prayers of thanksgiving. There will be beautiful instrumental music along with the amazing voices of our choir, which makes for a wonderful celebration.  This is the biggest day on our church calendar, offering us renewed joy, peace, and hope for our future and all of mankind.  There will be an Easter Egg hunt after the 10:00 AM service.

Blessed are those that come in the name of the Lord! Hosannah in the Highest!